Respect for Human Rights

Nifco’s basic stance is that, regardless of whether we are operating in or outside Japan, we must respect human rights, adhere to relevant laws and regulations, comply strictly with the letter and spirit of international rules, and act in accordance with common-sense societal norms. In 2021, we revised the Nifco Group Human Rights Policy for voluntary action toward the creation of a sustainable society.

Nifco Group Human Rights Policy

1 Basic Concept

Nifco* will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society. As part of these efforts, Nifco places importance on attaining a society in which human rights are respected and, to this end, has established the Nifco Group Human Rights Policy. Nifco will actively support and respect the International Bill of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and
Rights at Work, and promote initiatives pertaining to human rights.
In addition, we will ensure we are in compliance with laws and regulations applicable in the countries and regions where we conduct our business activities. In cases where conflicts arise between the laws and regulations of each country or region and international norms, we will pursue a path that maximizes respect for internationally recognized human rights.
Nifco prohibits discrimination on the basis of nationality, race, age, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity, disability, ethnicity, religion, ideology, creed, or any other grounds, prohibits harassment, and prohibits human rights violations. We do not tolerate slavery, forced or compulsory labor, including any form of human trafficking, or child labor. We will eliminate discrimination in employment and occupation, and respect freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.

  • *

    Nifco: All companies across Nifco Group

2 Scope of Application

Nifco will apply this policy throughout all of its business locations and require that all employees both understand and comply with this policy. Nifco will also encourage all of its business partners to support the Policy, and together with them, will promote activities to fulfill its responsibilities relating to human rights.

3 Corrections and Remedies

In cases where it becomes clear that Nifco’s business activities have caused a negative impact on human rights, Nifco will strive to correct and remedy the situation through dialogue and appropriate procedures in accordance with international standards. Nifco will also establish an internal hotline for reporting concerns about its business activities and continue with its development of a system for responding to such reports.

4 Education and Guidance for Employees

Nifco will provide appropriate education and training to employees to ensure that this policy is understood and effectively implemented in order to prevent or reduce human rights risks throughout our business activities.

Implementation of human rights education

In FY2023, Nifco conducted its first e-learning training on “Business and Human Rights” for all employees. The purpose of this training is to raise awareness of human rights and reduce human rights risks throughout Nifco by learning basic concepts of human rights and systems and measures to reduce risks. Nifco plans to continue to provide human rights training in the future.

Harassment prevention

Nifco does not tolerate any form of harassment in the workplace. It is essential that all employees be respected as individuals and work in an environment conducive to mutual trust, improved work efficiency, and smooth business operations. In addition to measures to prevent and eliminate harassment in the workplace and appropriate responses and solutions to problems arising from harassment, Nifco stipulates necessary matters in the “Anti-Harassment Regulations.” In addition, we are striving to understand the actual situation through surveys and other means.

Establishment of a harassment consultation system

In accordance with the regulations regarding the prevention of harassment, we have established a harassment consultation system and assigned a person in charge at each office. Personnel in charge of the consultation system have undergone harassment prevention training. In addition to the internal disclosure of the consultation response flow, we also protect the privacy of those involved and stipulate that no one will receive disadvantageous treatment due to initiating a consultation or cooperating with the confirmation of facts.

Implementation of harassment prevention education

In FY2023, we continued to conduct harassment prevention training by outside instructors for management-level employees and e-learning for other employees. Through specific cases and countermeasures, the training raised employees' awareness of the problem of harassment and their efforts to prevent it. We will continue to conduct training sessions to raise awareness among all employees.

Respecting Diversity

The utilization of diverse human resources is an important management strategy that further enhances Nifco’s global competitiveness. Nifco is committed to generated by individuals with different attributes and values that lead to innovation and the development of new products and technologies, which are among Nifco’s strengths, will create significant added value. In addition, we also require all employees to take diversity and inclusion e-learning course to foster a psychologically safe work environment.

Promoting the professional advancement of women

As for the promotion of female employees, the ratio of female managers*¹ on a non-consolidated basis in Japan was 6.0% (22.0% at Nifco Global) as of April 1, 2024, and we are continuing company-wide activities with the goal of achieving a 10% ratio of female managers by the end of FY2030.
In addition, as of June 30, 2024, two female independent outside directors have been appointed to the board, and we are strengthening measures to further increase the diversity of our organization.

Number and percentage of female directors, managers, and employees

Number of people


Female directors



Female managers



Female employees



(As of March 31, 2024 Nifco non-consolidated)

*¹Percentage of managers in the new personnel system introduced in April 2024 (excluding associate managers who are ready to be promoted to management positions).

Promoting the professional advancement of global human assets

We encourage the professional development of non-Japanese employees. We actively look not only for people who have studied in Japan, but for graduates of overseas universities as well. We have implemented workshops to help employees understand different cultures. In addition to these steps, we are taking measures so that non-Japanese employees can exercise their abilities to contribute to the global business, thereby fortifying the power of the organization through diversity. As of April 1, 2024, there were 56 non-Japanese employees, and 4.4% (11) of all management positions*¹ are held by non-Japanese employees.
Additionally, we actively hire talented local staff overseas and focus on helping them acquire skills and technologies, as well as develop as human assets. As of June 30, 2024, four non-Japanese employees were appointed as executive officers.

Number and percentage of non-Japanese directors, managers, and employees

Number of people


Non-Japanese directors



Non-Japanese managers



Non-Japanese employees



(As of April 1, 2024, Nifco non-consolidated)

*¹Percentage of managers in the new personnel system introduced in April 2024 (excluding associate managers who are ready to be promoted to management positions).

Promoting the professional advancement of persons with disabilities

We make use of initiatives in our employment and labor management with the aim of creating a workplace where persons with disabilities can work without excess worry.
In the past three years we have hired 11 new people. In FY2021, we began hiring workers in farm-based employment program, engaging in the cultivation and processing of herbs, potherb mustard, and other vegetables in an indoor farm.

Employment status in FY2023

Statutory number of employees with disabilities

Calculated based on the employment rate of employees with disabilities

Employment rate




(As of March 31, 2024, Nifco non-consolidated)

Employment status over the past three years




Number of new hires








Employment status

Contract employees/Support staff

Contract employees/Support staff

Support staff


Intellectual/Physical/Mental/Other disabilities

Intellectual/Mental/Other disabilities

Intellectual disabilities

Employment rate




(As of March 31, 2024, Nifco non-consolidated)

Respect and inclusion of LGBTQ people

We are promoting internal measures to create a comfortable and psychologically safe work environment for LGBTQ employees and other sexual minorities.
In FY2022, we conducted in-house LGBTQ training by outside instructors for managers and LGBTQ e-learning for all employees to instill an understanding of LGBTQ issues. In this context, we invited ALLYs to join as “people who are close to and supportive of LGBTQ persons.” and have been striving to foster a workplace environment where people can work with peace of mind, recognizing that there are supporters for LGBTQ people. In addition, from FY2023, we revised our internal regulations to include same-sex partners and de facto partners in the definition of “spouse”. We will continue to support diverse lifestyles of our employees so that they can work and live with peace of mind.