Nifco Group Charter of Corporate Behavior
Based on the following ten principles, Nifco will act with high ethical standards while complying with relevant laws, regulations, international rules, and the spirit of such laws and regulations in order to create a sustainable society.
Nifco: All companies across Nifco Group
As a creative company, Nifco will develop and provide safe, comfortable, and environmentally friendly products and services through innovation, contributing to sustainable economic growth and solutions to social issues.
Nifco will engage in fair and free competition, appropriate transactions, and responsible procurement. Nifco will also maintain sound political and governmental relationships.
Nifco will disclose corporate information as appropriate and engage in constructive interaction with a wide range of stakeholders, both internal and external, in order to continue to enhance our corporate value.
Nifco will conduct management that respects the human rights of all people. Nifco prohibits discrimination and infringement of human rights on any grounds, including nationality, race, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability. Nifcodoesnotrecognizeslavelabor,forcedlabor,orchildlabor.
Nifco will provide customers and consumers with appropriate information about its products and services, andwill communicate with them in good faith to gain their satisfaction and trust.
Nifco will actively promote diversity andinclusion by realizing a working style that respects diversity, personality and individuality, believing that making the most of differences in personal attributes and values will lead to new ideas, innovation and creativity, which is also our company's philosophy.Nifco will also aim for a comfortable working environment that takes health and safety into consideration.
Nifco is aware that addressing environmental issues is a common challenge for all humankind and an essential requirement for both a company's activities and existence. We will contribute to the protection of the global environment through all ofour corporate activities.
Nifco, as a good corporate citizen, will both actively participate in, and contribute to society's development in all the countries where it operates.
Nifco will strive to implement organizational crisis management to readily respond to the actions of antisocial forces, terrorism, cyber attacks and natural disasters that threaten the lives of citizens and corporate activities. In addition, we will give all due consideration to the protection and safeguard of personal information and customer information.
Nifco's top management will embody the spirit of this Charter when managing the company, andwill establish effective governance to ensure that all employees are aware of it, and will encourage all employees to act in accordance with the spirit of this Charter.In addition, in the event of a situation that violates the spirit of this Charter resulting in a loss of trust from society, top management will work to resolve the problem, investigate the cause, and prevent a recurrence.