Questions we frequently receive are shown below.
Please refer to them before you contact us.
For FAQs with regard to investor relations, please refer to here.

Questions about our products

Tell me how to obtain your product catalogues and similar materials.

For our product catalogues, please visit the product links below:

I would like to buy Nifco's buckles.
How can I buy them?
Please contact us from inquiry form(Buckles).

Questions with respect to investors

About the company

When was your company founded?

Nifco was founded in February of 1967.
In 2018,Nifco celebrated the 50th anniversary of its founding.

When was your company listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange?

Nifco was listed in September 1979.

What was your company name derived from?

Our company name was changed to Nifco in 1977 using the acronym of the former company name (Nippon Industrial Fastener Corporation)

What products does your company manufacture?

We manufacture mainly plastic fasteners and other plastic functional components. A plastic fastener is a "fastening tool" used for fastening or fixing parts or bundling up cords, and the product is used in a wide range of fields such as the automotive industry and home electric appliances and office automation products.
Nifco is a pioneer in the manufacture of plastic fasteners in Japan. For more information, please refer to "Nifco's Products."

Tell me about your overseas network.

Please refer to "Global Network."

Do you have any group company that engages in any business other than plastic products?

Please refer to "Group company."

About performance

Where can I find the latest financial information?
Please refer to "Investor Relations."
Where can I find the Financial Highlights?
Please refer to "Financial Highlights".
When is the fiscal year end of your company and when is your general shareholders meeting held?
Our fiscal year end is in March, and our general shareholders' meeting is held in late June.

About stocks

Which market is your company listed on?

Nifco is listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

What is your securities identification code?

Our securities identification code is 7988.

What is the unit of trading (share unit) of your company's share?

Our share unit is 100 shares.

Where can I find the change in dividends?

Please refer to "Returns to Shareholders and Dividend".

When is the date of right allotment for dividend?

It is March 31. For interim dividend, it is September 30.

Where should I contact when a procedure for transfer of stock or change of address is necessary?

Please contact Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. For more information, link to Mizuho Trust & Banking Co., Ltd. website.

System Requirements

We recommend the following browsers for the best user experience.

For customers using a PC


  • Microsoft Edge (latest version)
  • Google Chrome (latest version)
  • Mozilla Firefox (latest version)


  • Safari (latest version)
  • * This website is not optimized for Internet Explorer, or any other browsers or mobile devices.
  • * This website may not display properly or may display in an unintended manner depending on your device, browser, or application settings.

For customers using a smart phone or tablet

Android smart phone

  • The device standard browser is recommended.


  • Use the device standard browser "Safari."
  • * SIM-free devices, MVNO (low-price SIM), or feature phones with Android installed on them are outside the system environment recommended.
  • * Please note that this web site may not be displayed normally or displayed in a way that is not intended depending on the settings of a device used by a user or on some browsers or applications.