
We consider that shareholder return as one of our priority management issues, and we have made it a basic policy to maintain stable dividend payment.
The target dividend payment ratio is about 30%.

Dividend / Dividend payment ratio

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023(Expected)
Interim dividend Yearend dividend Interim dividend Yearend dividend Interim dividend Yearend dividend Interim dividend Yearend dividend Interim dividend Yearend dividend
Dividend per share 31 yen 31 yen 25 yen 28 yen 31 yen 31 yen 31 yen 33 yen 32 yen 32 yen
62 yen 53 yen 62 yen 64 yen 64 yen
Dividend payment ratio 34.9% 29.3% 27.3% 30.3%


Forward-looking statements or projections included in our website, including earnings projections, are based on currently available information and certain premises that are judged to be rational at the time of this writing.
Actual results may differ greatly from the forecast figures depending on various factors. the data listed in this website is included for the purpose of providing information, it is not designed to encourage investment.


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