Nifco Inc. (Headquarters: Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Pref., President: Masaharu Shibao hereinafter "Nifco") renew “NIFCO ONLINE SHOWROOM”.
Nifco designs, manufactures, and sells a wide variety of plastic products, mainly for the automobiles, with the keywords of the environment, safety, and comfort. In June 2021, we released the "NIFCO ONLINE SHOWROOM" to classify automotive products into six categories according to their application and introduce the characteristics of each in an easy-to-understand manner in Japanese, English, and Chinese.
We are pleased to announce that NIFCO ONLINE SHOWROOM has been reopened on March 17, 2023.
<Points of renewal>
◆Analysis and equipment introduction
This time, we have established new pages to introduce "Analysis" and "Evaluation", which are the cornerstones of product development. Nifco uses CAE (computer simulation) upstream of the product development process. By evaluating the same content as the actual test on a computer, we can develop new products and reduce costs. We are also confirming the validity of the results of CAE and actual experimental results to promote the improvement of precision and accuracy of CAE. This page introduces specific examples of how the three analyses of "fluid analysis", "resin flow analysis", and "structural analysis" are used in actual product development. The actual facilities used can also be viewed.

◆Enhance lineup of listed products
We have reviewed the product categories and established the “xEV POWERTRAIN”.
In addition, we have added four new products, such as "Quiet Products (Door Service Holl Cover) " to make the interior space more comfortable. Furthermore, we have updated the content of the 13 products that we have already posted and are now able to see the latest information.

Nifco will continue to sincerely address customer issues and contribute to the realization of various products that lead to a better environment, safety and comfort in order to realize our purpose of ‘Sparking innovation by fastening small insights with technology for a better world’.
For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact:
Nifco Inc., Administration Department, Administration Section.
TEL: 03-5476-4850